Prayers for France & Thanksgiving Break!!

First of all, I want to say that my thoughts and prayers are with France. I know this happened over a week ago, but this country still deserves everyone’s concern. France is such a beautiful country, filled with some of sweetest people that I had the pleasure of meeting a couple years ago and it broke my heart to hear the news about the horrible terrorist attack that took place. We must show strength and love to stand up against these awful people. They may hurt us, but they will not take away our freedom or our love for one another! 


Okay, so I need to catch y’all up on what’s been going on lately!! Everything in my life is going very well! I have been busy with school, work, and making time to workout quite a bit. Thanksgiving break has just begun, which means that I only have 1 more week of classes before finals and then it’s Christmas break!!! 🙂

School has been going very well this semester and I’ve already registered for my classes for the upcoming Spring semester. Two doctors are coming to my school for a seminar that my honors society has been invited to. I can’t wait to go! 

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this yet but I decided to withdraw from the university I was attending at the beginning of this semester, I was also taking classes at the community college which I am still attending. UH just wasn’t the right place me. I wasn’t happy there so I have decided to finish all of my core college courses at the community college and I will spend this upcoming Spring and Summer visiting different college campuses in Texas to figure out which university is best for me before I apply to transfer. I’m very glad that I made this decision instead of staying somewhere that wasn’t right for me and didn’t motivate me to be better, and I cannot wait to find the place that I will excel and be passionate about! 

This past weekend was filled with lots of fun with family and friends!! 

 We went to the last Hunger Games premiere on Friday. The movie was amazing, but I’m really sad that it was the last one… 

  Had to get a picture with my Mom before the movie because she is just so pretty!!!


    I spent Saturday night with my family having dinner at Mo’s Irish Pub, where I got a delicious burger, and then we came home and had s’mores & wine (lol) before we settled down and watched Hunger Games: Catching Fire! 

I’ve been spending the beginning of this week helping get the house ready for all of the family that are coming in town for thanksgiving! My grandmother is coming in tomorrow. I cannot wait to see her!! I love the holidays & my family!

Oh and if you haven’t noticed, I cut my hair. I absolutely love it!!!   

I have one more thing I want to share before I leave y’all today! My Great uncle Mike is an ER doctor and wants me to come shadow him soon! I can’t even contain my excitement about that!! 

I will posting more after thanksgiving! I hope you all have a wonderful break and eat lots of yummy food! 

XOXO, Paige.

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